The conditions and the order for carrying out author's supervision during the construction are determined by a contract between the assignor and the designer. Author's supervision is mandatory for all constructions from first to fifth category inclusive.
The prescriptions of the designer, related to his copyright, for the exact observance of the investment project made by him shall be entered in the order book and shall be obligatory for the other participants in the construction.
We provide professional author's supervision, specially designed to ensure the successful completion of the project. Our experienced staff can effectively carry out author's supervision during the construction, to monitor whether the contractor, within the meaning of Art. 163, uses the correct documentation and monitors its strict observance and implementation.
According to Art. 175. of the Spatial Development Act, after the actual completion of the construction, NBS-ENGINEERING OOD prepares executive documentation, reflecting the insignificant deviations from the agreed projects by the contractor or by a person, determined by the assignor. The transmission shall be certified with a seal of the respective administration, affixed on all graphic and textual materials. The executive documentation is an integral part of the issued construction documents.
Upon completion of the project, our specialists prepare a report required for the issuance of a permit for use or commissioning.
Contact us today to find out how our services in author's supervision can be useful for your project.